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Stressisormuksen avulla voit huomaamattomasti parantaa keskittymistä.


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Auttaako anti-stressisormus oikeasti? Lue blogistamme miten stressi sormus toimii ja kenelle siitä on hyötyä.


    What is an anti-stress ring?

    Stress rings may sound like a high-tech solution, but they're not that complicated: most are very dainty beaded rings. Small beads are easy to twist on the finger. There are many different types of rings, so you're sure to find one that suits your style. But how do they work to improve your concentration?

    A stress ring works by controlling runaway thoughts. As stress increases, our thoughts start to wander and we can't concentrate on the task at hand. When our hands are occupied, our concentration becomes easier. Fidget toys, stress balls and now stress rings are good examples of physical products that don't distract from the task at hand. Unlike the big visible fidget toys, the stress ring is small and unobtrusive. 

    Do anti-stress rings work

    In a stressful situation, the wearer can focus their thoughts on the finger and the bead of the ring instead of the stressor. By pressing the ring on the finger, the pressure from the ring increases and thoughts are focused on it. Spinner rings work best proactively while beaded anti-stress rings work better in the stressful situation itself. Researchers believe that for some people, the ring will help, but there is not yet enough research to confirm the results.

    In a remote meeting, each of us has probably found ourselves tapping a ballpoint pen against the table or a pencil against a desk. When the mike is open, this distracts many other people in the meeting. The same happens when sitting in a lecture or classroom. Especially in these situations, an anti-stress ring helps you to concentrate without disturbing others.